Our location in historic Arlington Corner symbolizes our deep commitment to our community and its heritage. We have served Santa Barbara families and institutions for many years, and support more than 30 nonprofits and local causes. We are a fully independent advisor firm aligned with our clients. That means we are free to use our best judgement to craft the solutions we believe are right for you.
Client Services Team
We have designed our offices to offer a home-like, “kitchen table” environment to make your entire family feel comfortable and to promote deeper conversations about your personal goals and concerns.
Commitment to Community
We are proud to support the following non-profits:

- All Saints by the Sea Parish School
- Anti-Defamation League
- Arroyo Hondo Preserve
- Arts and Lectures UCSB
- Big Brother/Big Sister Program
- Cambridge Foundation
- Child Abuse Listening Mediation
- Cold Springs School Foundation
- Direct Relief International
- Dream Foundation
- Family Service Agency
- Friends of the Library – Santa Barbara
- Habitat for Humanity
- Jodi House
- Junior League of Santa Barbara
- Katherine Harvey Fellows- Santa Barbara Foundation
- Laguna Cottages for Seniors
- Land Trust for Santa Barbara County
- Marymount Foundation
- Music Academy of the West
- Natural History Museum
- Saint Francis Foundation
- Santa Barbara Choral Society
- Santa Barbara Middle School
- Santa Barbara Mission Parish
- Santa Barbara Music Club
- Santa Barbara Public Library Foundation
- Santa Barbara Swim Club
- Santa Barbara Symphony
- Santa Barbara Youth Symphony
- Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara
- Storyteller
- Sunflower Foundation
- Sunrise Rotary
- Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
- Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation
- Trinity Children and Family Services
- Wilderness Youth Project
- Women’s Economic Ventures
- Women’s Fund of Santa Barbara